U.S. Army - 1968-1969
1st Battalion/20th Infantry,
11th Light Infantry Brigade Duc Pho
Quang Ngai Province, South Vietnam
D.O.V.E. Fund member since 2000
The D.O.V.E. Fund has afforded me the opportunity to turn the worst
thing that ever happened to me into one of the best that’s ever
happened to me. There’s something so very special about knowing
you've crossed geographic, political, philosophical, international,
ethnic and economic borders to make a difference in the lives of
poverty-stricken children on the other side of this planet we
all must share.
My association with the D.O.V.E. Fund - coupled with my personal faith -
has also changed my life dramatically. What a wonderful feeling it is to
know we are building schools to educate the great grandchildren of some
of the same ones we were at war with 40 years ago. In my mind, only God
- and a great group of kind, committed and caring people - could make
that a reality.
It is my great honor to count myself as one of them! Ten years ago,
the D.O.V.E. Fund was given an NVA army helmet that was picked up by
U.S. soldier after a 1968 firefight in the Central Highlands.
Inside the helmet, scratched in flowing cursive, was the name of the soldier,
Bui Duc Hung, along with an image of a palm tree and, with its wings
outstretched, a dove, the international symbol of peace.